Dog Study

I decided today that I'd try my hand at figuring out how dogs stand on they're hind legs, and how different faces work. I still have a while to go, but it's a start.

Anyway, I hope to test out dog walks either this or next weekend. Even if I can't go through with this film idea, it would probably be a good idea to figure out how to animate quadrupeds. I also thought I was leaning more towards doing a Shiba Inu for the dog, but so many other dogs are capable of the same expressions! Dogs are so cool.


Fear and Dogs

The time has come. I'm going to make my first animated film dear god. Of course I'm scared, I have 15 weeks to do this. At least I believe in myself.

I know we have to bring 3 ideas to class, but honestly I'm leaning towards the Shakespeare dog one. It's fun and I want to try to make thumbs for it this weekend. I've been researching today and, of course, have saved all the Muybridge plates of dogs I can, because I've never animated dogs before.

I really wanna try to analyze how weight is distributed, so I'm going to have to watch a bunch of videos of dogs. If I'm being honest I really wanted to do more of a skipping motion for the dog at the end like this:

but that's something that should be left till last or not at all. It would still be cute though. I've also been looking at The Animator's Survival Kit, and low and behold there's a dog walk cycle. Better copy that to see how it works too:

That's all for now. Will post the test animations hopefully this weekend.