Almost Done

After class if I need to make tweaks I will and then I'm turning this in for screenings holy crap oh my god see you on the flip side


One Week After This

Whose got two thumbs and is still alive somehow?

I'm in the final stretch of tweaking a couple things on my end, but the music and sound are done, and I could turn in this film if everything went to hell in the last week before screenings. Amazing.

On another funky note while I was doing this Premiere Pro wouldn't output the audio? The input was there, because the meters were going, but like????? And then when I exported it the sound was there and was fine?????? What a conundrum

I hope none of my classmates are experiencing this because it's really weird and could really screw you over if you're trying to do some final audio stuff in Premiere. Anywho, good luck everybody, the hell is almost over.