The Big Spring Break Update

So, this is going to be really long and image heavy. This is basically going to be the big "Get to know what I did over spring break" post. So here we go!

I painted all of my backgrounds:


So here's my "animatic" pass (with the rough shot included):

And here's the rough shot on it's own:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAND I chose a title for my film (as you just saw):


It's been a tough process figuring this out, for sure, but I'm glad I finally figured it out. And my teacher was right: the best titles do come to you at 3am. Anyway, it's onward and upward from here!


New BG Test

So I tried to do something that Atia wants me too, and tried to skew the angle of the last background to make it a bit more interesting. The gif is below; ignore the legs, those are just a reminder about the wipe.

I've also decided I'm going to do the reaction shot to the crowd not clapping for the first time (3.04) for my fully rendered shot. It's 107 frames, so I think that should be a good mid thing to use. 


Another Animatic and A Music Preview!

Howdy, guys! I don't have as much as I'd like to show today since I was in Canada over the weekend, but I've still got stuff! Here's the most recent animatic I have:

And oh my gosh, you guys, my composer Marc sent over a preview of what he's working on, and I love it! Here it is:

I hope to next week fix up and color all my backgrounds, so stay tuned for that! I also hope to get the rest of my rough animation done soon, because there aren't many super hard shots left. Until next time!


Animatic With Scratch Sound

It doesn't have music yet, but I tried to emulate most of the sounds I might want in the film. The dog is all me; no dogs were harmed in the making of this scratch sound.

Sorry for the funky cropping; I couldn't figure out how to fix it. On the bright side it left a prime spot for the frame count.

Until next time, guys!


Pose Sheet and Tweaked Colors

I made a pose sheet, yay!

I also tweaked the fur color a tad so that it was a bit lighter, but still was boisterous.

I'm going to be sending over my "final" animatic to Marc, and I tried my darnedest to try and get the timing as close as I could. I also have to find some scratch sounds for stuff; I might have to be doing some howls this weekend for scratch stuff, haha. Until next time!


Title Possibilities

Okay, so far the titles that have been thought up be me or other people are:

  • Drama Dog
  • Shakespearean Schipperke  
  • Sirius Dramatics
  • Hambone Hound
  • Pooch of Pomp
  • Canine Comedian 
  • Shakesfur
Honestly, I like most of these titles, but I don't know if any of them are "the one" you know? Maybe it'll come to me in a dream or something, or I'll have an epiphany moment where the authors of old will come down from the heavens and bestow upon me the fantastic knowledge of title creation. Whatever happens, I hope it happens soon, because having "Dramatic Doggo" as my placeholder title in my files isn't exactly the most professional. Me finding a title is like:

I just wanna get to the top of the slide. Someday, I will.


Shot List

This is probably going to change a bunch during production, but here's my shot list:


Yet Another Animatic Pass

Here we are once again.

There's some rough animation peppered into the animatic, as I go along stuff will be more and more animated. You get the idea.