Another Animatic with Diff Music

Bit late, but here's this week's animatic! It's got a more upbeat and jazzier soundtrack, so some of the visuals would have to be taken out if I go this route (the breakup for example).

Also the Ottawa International Animation Festival was super fun and I saw some super cool stuff! I also won a silent auction for vintage merch, so now I have a sweatshirt from '94, so it's older than me (I'm also currently wearing it; super comfy if you're wondering). It was nice to see new animations and see the range of what people come up with. I gotta remember to take a step back and watch other people's stuff more often. 

Until next week!

EDIT: Hey! Just wanted to quickly add a keyed out shot, since some of the shots as they are now don't covey the level of stickiness I need to aim for:


Another Animatic Golly Gee

I tightened up my animatic and added more transitions (obviously still need to do a couple more, so I added placeholders for timing's sake) Also I found some really cool, royalty free music for the animatic. It's made by Fantasy Crisis over on SoundCloud and it's definitely the vibe I'm going for in terms of music. It also just fit by sheer luck for the most part haha.

On a side note I might be getting sick, or I'm just allergic to something somewhere. I've been sneezing all day and have a nasty headache. But I must power through. TO VALHALLA.


Animatic Advetures II: The Heckoning

Since my film is pretty visual, I tried to throw together a first pass animatic for timing and pacing for the images/"story". I'm still open for switching some things around, so some of the transitions either aren't around or aren't very developed. Although, the ones at the beginning are even keyed at some parts to be more representative of what I'm trying to aim for.

Also for fun here's the sticky note madness I have on my desk that I used to try and plan the order of the sticky vingettes:

What a journey.

Still need to do a coloring with shadows animation test. Didn't have time to do it this week. If I'm being honest it's only week 3 and I'm already starting to feel the grindstone scrape my nose (I'm probably going to look back at this week 13 and be like,  "You don't even know, buddy, pal." Hey, future me seeing now me in memories, hope you're getting enough sleep and stuff, also good luck in your final stretch.)

Anyway, onward I forge, but now I gotta go to bed. See y'all later.