Quick Update with Colors!

Hey all! Just a quick update here before I turn in for the day!

Here's my most recent animatic, I'm almost done inking!!!

AND here's another pass at colors. This time they're almost final. I have to determine them now because I have to consider background transitions and everything like that:

Until next time!


Animatic and Colors

Another animatic is here! It's week 10, and the double digits of week numbers now is frightening, hoo boy. Anyway, here it is:

Also I was testing out colors, and none of these are final. I was just messing around with color style (I still need to determine the color that will stay in all of the vignettes aka the eternal color):

I also have both a composer and sound designer now, yay! Till next week, see you later.


Another Pass with Scratch Sound, Oh Boy

I'm a tired potato.


I went to the artist's call meeting for RIT, Eastman, and other students for collabs and need to send a couple emails off to possible composers. I also think I've managed to nail down a sound designer too, yay.

So for today I have another pass with some scratch sound thrown in. Not all of the sound is covered, but I wanted basic stuff for my more "prioritized" shots. I also took a couple shots out, so some of the transitions either don't exist, or are weird in between.

I also low-key am afraid I'm behind, but I don't know if that's just me being paranoid or not. It is week 7 and we have 15 weeks, so it's pretty much the halfway point by now. Maybe I'll ask tomorrow about it. Anywho, cheers, y'all. Until next time.


Another Animatic with Diff Music

Bit late, but here's this week's animatic! It's got a more upbeat and jazzier soundtrack, so some of the visuals would have to be taken out if I go this route (the breakup for example).

Also the Ottawa International Animation Festival was super fun and I saw some super cool stuff! I also won a silent auction for vintage merch, so now I have a sweatshirt from '94, so it's older than me (I'm also currently wearing it; super comfy if you're wondering). It was nice to see new animations and see the range of what people come up with. I gotta remember to take a step back and watch other people's stuff more often. 

Until next week!

EDIT: Hey! Just wanted to quickly add a keyed out shot, since some of the shots as they are now don't covey the level of stickiness I need to aim for:


Another Animatic Golly Gee

I tightened up my animatic and added more transitions (obviously still need to do a couple more, so I added placeholders for timing's sake) Also I found some really cool, royalty free music for the animatic. It's made by Fantasy Crisis over on SoundCloud and it's definitely the vibe I'm going for in terms of music. It also just fit by sheer luck for the most part haha.

On a side note I might be getting sick, or I'm just allergic to something somewhere. I've been sneezing all day and have a nasty headache. But I must power through. TO VALHALLA.


Animatic Advetures II: The Heckoning

Since my film is pretty visual, I tried to throw together a first pass animatic for timing and pacing for the images/"story". I'm still open for switching some things around, so some of the transitions either aren't around or aren't very developed. Although, the ones at the beginning are even keyed at some parts to be more representative of what I'm trying to aim for.

Also for fun here's the sticky note madness I have on my desk that I used to try and plan the order of the sticky vingettes:

What a journey.

Still need to do a coloring with shadows animation test. Didn't have time to do it this week. If I'm being honest it's only week 3 and I'm already starting to feel the grindstone scrape my nose (I'm probably going to look back at this week 13 and be like,  "You don't even know, buddy, pal." Hey, future me seeing now me in memories, hope you're getting enough sleep and stuff, also good luck in your final stretch.)

Anyway, onward I forge, but now I gotta go to bed. See y'all later.


Concepts and Tests

Hoo boy do I have stuff:

Here is a mood chart with concerns to brightness/colors. Then I kinda did some beats so there's coherence, and then sorted the sticky things into those 5 categories to roughly put them where I want on the timeline. The categories are super rough, I just wanted to get a basic idea of what sticky stuff could go where.

These are coloring tests the "lineless" style I want to go for. Notice there's also a paper texture applied to make it a bit more fun to look at. I think I'd try to have the texture do a loop so that the texture is active too. I'm really leaning towards going the shadow definition instead of doing just lines where things overlap. I need to consider if doing the shadow thing would be within the window of time I have, but I really wanna try doing it. I should do a test for it this weekend or something to see if it's doable.

And then we've got some sticky squash/stretch tests. We've got 3 flavors: front on, with perspective, with perspective while moving. Obviously I need to work on the 3rd one, but I'm glad I tried it so I can keep going. I also plan on trying to do some reference videos with the silly putty I have sitting at my desk and other things around the house so I can get different references for sticky stuff. To say the least I'm excited.

Anyway, that's it for now, but I'll be sure to post the reference videos for everyone's viewing pleasure.


Another Semester, Another Film

Wow, here we are again. Crazy right?

Anyway, for this year's film, I was thinking of doing a film with little vignettes/animations that all have to do with a theme. My theme is going to be sticky. I have a huge list of stuff that I could consider sticky, and I'll keep building on it to see what I think is the most solid.

Here's a picture of the growing list of things that could be considered sticky:

I also thought I'd set up a mood board here for look/style/etc.


I'd love to achieve the smoothness of Tako Faito, or at least the coloring style. I would really like to focus more on the animation since I'm doing more something like vignettes than anything else.

The transitions would be metamorphosis definitely, but the question is what kind of metamorphosis. There's the Black or White music video metamorphosis (skip to 5:26):

Where stuff recedes and adds as necessary, but the base is still there. Or the metamorphosis where the transition is something coming out of the previous object/thing:

Or it goes from identifiable shape to identifiable shape with splotches/other shapes in between:

I think I'm just going to have to assess what type I'll do based on production time and the look I'm going for. As for coloring, I also kinda wanna go with the styles seen above, the "lineless shapes unless they overlap" style.

Speaking of production time, I need to make a schedule/work log. So here it is for now, I'll be sure to change the page link for the log soon. Anyway, that's all for now. More to come soon.


Almost Done

After class if I need to make tweaks I will and then I'm turning this in for screenings holy crap oh my god see you on the flip side


One Week After This

Whose got two thumbs and is still alive somehow?

I'm in the final stretch of tweaking a couple things on my end, but the music and sound are done, and I could turn in this film if everything went to hell in the last week before screenings. Amazing.

On another funky note while I was doing this Premiere Pro wouldn't output the audio? The input was there, because the meters were going, but like????? And then when I exported it the sound was there and was fine?????? What a conundrum

I hope none of my classmates are experiencing this because it's really weird and could really screw you over if you're trying to do some final audio stuff in Premiere. Anywho, good luck everybody, the hell is almost over.


Animatic 8th Pass

I've never really composited before, so there's some mistakes in this one. I put my backgrounds in in After Effects, which worked much better that with TVPaint. I also tried doing the suit shake off in TVPaint, but that turned out funky, so back to the drawing board.
Also the credits appear in the corner for some reason? Just like don't look in the bottom left corner. HEY I CAN SEE YOU LOOKING

Anyway here it is:

Oh! Also my sound and music person, Marc, is about halfway through with the sound! Here's the clip he sent me:

There's like 17 days left and I don't think it's sunk in that I'm close to done making my film, but then again who knows maybe I'm not. Who knows what's real anymore amiright? My film has been kickin my butt since week some-number and I still feel like it's winter, but like Springfest is this week??? I just????

See y'all next week.



Still going. Talked to my awesome composer, and we've got some stuff nailed down. I have to re-animate some small things for him, but that's okay. I also managed to figure out what my crowd will look like, and did some owner sketches here just in case:

Also here's my updated animatic; I wasn't able to put the timecode on this one, but I'll be sure to when I send it over to my composer:



Hoo Boy I'm Going

I keep having this feeling that I'm losing steam, but I gotta keep going. I just gotta keep making those boxes on my shot list green.
No audio again on the animatic this week, but I'm talking to my composer tomorrow to iron out the small details, so a score should be coming soon!

Honestly though, why doesn't SOFA have a cathartic scream day every semester, because I'm just like

Let SOFA scream 2k16.


Still Trucking Along

So, I haven't sacrificed my soul to a demon yet to animate my film faster, so that's good.

So anyway here's a little update with all the inking and coloring I've done. I really want to go into picture lock this week, so hopefully that'll happen. Any who, here it is. There's mp sound on this one because it would just be the same as all the other takes:

That's all for now. We're in double digit numbers for weeks now, so welcome to hell fellow classmates.

May the fire only burn you slightly, and your soul be quickly repented. 


The Big Spring Break Update

So, this is going to be really long and image heavy. This is basically going to be the big "Get to know what I did over spring break" post. So here we go!

I painted all of my backgrounds:


So here's my "animatic" pass (with the rough shot included):

And here's the rough shot on it's own:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAND I chose a title for my film (as you just saw):


It's been a tough process figuring this out, for sure, but I'm glad I finally figured it out. And my teacher was right: the best titles do come to you at 3am. Anyway, it's onward and upward from here!


New BG Test

So I tried to do something that Atia wants me too, and tried to skew the angle of the last background to make it a bit more interesting. The gif is below; ignore the legs, those are just a reminder about the wipe.

I've also decided I'm going to do the reaction shot to the crowd not clapping for the first time (3.04) for my fully rendered shot. It's 107 frames, so I think that should be a good mid thing to use. 


Another Animatic and A Music Preview!

Howdy, guys! I don't have as much as I'd like to show today since I was in Canada over the weekend, but I've still got stuff! Here's the most recent animatic I have:

And oh my gosh, you guys, my composer Marc sent over a preview of what he's working on, and I love it! Here it is:

I hope to next week fix up and color all my backgrounds, so stay tuned for that! I also hope to get the rest of my rough animation done soon, because there aren't many super hard shots left. Until next time!


Animatic With Scratch Sound

It doesn't have music yet, but I tried to emulate most of the sounds I might want in the film. The dog is all me; no dogs were harmed in the making of this scratch sound.

Sorry for the funky cropping; I couldn't figure out how to fix it. On the bright side it left a prime spot for the frame count.

Until next time, guys!


Pose Sheet and Tweaked Colors

I made a pose sheet, yay!

I also tweaked the fur color a tad so that it was a bit lighter, but still was boisterous.

I'm going to be sending over my "final" animatic to Marc, and I tried my darnedest to try and get the timing as close as I could. I also have to find some scratch sounds for stuff; I might have to be doing some howls this weekend for scratch stuff, haha. Until next time!


Title Possibilities

Okay, so far the titles that have been thought up be me or other people are:

  • Drama Dog
  • Shakespearean Schipperke  
  • Sirius Dramatics
  • Hambone Hound
  • Pooch of Pomp
  • Canine Comedian 
  • Shakesfur
Honestly, I like most of these titles, but I don't know if any of them are "the one" you know? Maybe it'll come to me in a dream or something, or I'll have an epiphany moment where the authors of old will come down from the heavens and bestow upon me the fantastic knowledge of title creation. Whatever happens, I hope it happens soon, because having "Dramatic Doggo" as my placeholder title in my files isn't exactly the most professional. Me finding a title is like:

I just wanna get to the top of the slide. Someday, I will.


Shot List

This is probably going to change a bunch during production, but here's my shot list:


Yet Another Animatic Pass

Here we are once again.

There's some rough animation peppered into the animatic, as I go along stuff will be more and more animated. You get the idea.


Dog Boing Boing

I thought bounding on stage would be cuter than just walking on. Still trying to figure out a title for the film.... My mom has suggested Sirius Dramatics, which I think is cute. I don't know, I'll choose one soon. 


Tests and Stuff

So here's the first shot I've roughly animated. I wanted to make sure the suit dissolve would work.

I also did cleaner layouts for my film. 

I also wanted to do some color tests with reality. 

I've also cleaned up my animatic with my classes comments. My film is now about 1 min 22 seconds. That's what I've been up to lately. You can see my work log for a more detailed catalog of what I've done.