Breed Choice and Story Update

Hoo boy, do I have some great stuff for you guys. I'm still aiming on doing some color stuff this week, but today I have dogs.
And when I say dogs, I mean lots of dogs.

A lot of dog heads. There's so many dog breeds, and they're all fabulous, but I decided that I wanted to do the schipperke breed for two reasons: it was a simple color throughout (black with red undertones), and it had simple shapes. 

As I looked further into the breed though, I was instantly charmed. They're nicknamed the "little black devil" and are insanely energetic. I knew the breed would be great for the film as I watched more and more videos of them.

Also, how could you say no to this face?

I certainly can't.

So now I've come to the part where I'm trying to figure out how I want the dog to look an move around. Here a bunch of sketches I did for that:

I still can't decide if I want to have the dog walk on anatomically correct back legs, or more humanized ones like most cartoon dogs do. It is possible for dogs to walk on two legs, as shown here:

For this dog, Faith, it seems the center of gravity is somewhere in her chest, and it seems like the "thighs" of her hind legs are really developed and powerful to keep her going. I'm going to keep watching more videos of dogs walking around to see if it's feasible for me to animate a dog walking that way or not. I still have problems getting down the anatomy of of hind legs, but I just have to keep practicing.

On another note (wow, this is a long post), here are the story beats for my film:
  • Dog walks on stage
  • Dog performs an act
  • The audience doesn't react
  • The dog tries again
  • The audience still doesn't react
  • The dog dramatically “dies”
  • The audience applauds enthusiastically
  • Dog owner says they'll go for a walk
  • Dog happily walks off screen
And here's the timeline for my production:

I'm hoping this is a realistic enough timeline for me. I've given myself more time for inking because I know that's going to be the hardest part of the process for me. I also put some concentration on sound because I need to figure out how I'm going to pull off those Shakespeare dog howls. 

Hopefully will have some thumbnails tomorrow! Also here's another schipperke because they're so adorable oh my god: